Chapter 4 – Quiz 1

1. When can you be sure to have found the unique solution of an unconstrained maximization problem with objective f? (Multiple choice)


2. What is the global maximizer of f:\mathbb R\mapsto\mathbb R, x\mapsto x-x^2?


3. Which of the following statements are true for any function f:X\mapsto\mathbb R when X\subseteq\mathbb R? (Multiple choice)


4. Suppose you are concerned with finding the global maximizer(s) in an unconstrained optimization problem with objective function f:X\mapsto\mathbb R that is twice differentiable. Which candidates x^* can not be ruled out as a potential solution by the first and second order conditions? (Multiple choice)


5. Select the requirements of the Weierstrass Extreme Value theorem, which together are a sufficient condition for existence of global extremizers in the unconstrained problem. (Multiple choice)


Question 1 of 5

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